Dear friends,
“To everything there is a season.”
I am eternally grateful for the 25+ years that I have been able to serve alongside an extraordinary staff at the Marconi Automotive Museum and Foundation for Kids.
Through your generosity we have raised so many millions of dollars for at-risk children’s causes in Orange County and beyond. A myriad of memories have been created through fundraisers ranging from a most exclusive hat/fashion show, to delicious wine tasting dinners, and of course through 22 years of our signature fundraiser, Fight Night.
My deepest gratitude to you for all the support you’ve provided throughout my tenure. Your attendance and participation in our events, the bodacious auction items you’ve given, your creative ideas and outreach to your own community on behalf of the Marconi, frankly it’s overwhelming.
It’s time for me to say good-bye to this philanthropic chapter in my life. And the reins are now handing off to John Marconi, Dick’s son. For those who know John, you know that he is an avid car expert. I think you can anticipate some exciting new ventures through his leadership. We wish him the best in continuing the Marconi Automotive Museum and Foundation for Kids’s legacy of giving back to our community.
Should you like to stay in touch with me personally, I can be reached through my “old person” email address: Priscillamarconi@aol.com. I would enjoy hearing from you.
All the very best to you and thanks for helping us help kids!
Sincerely, Priscilla ‘Bo’ Marconi